Infograph is a site dedicated to sharing balanced and well researched perspectives on important issues. By curating a variety of informative thoughts, adding carefully considered commentary, and visualizing key points through infographics and data visualizations, we hope to bring new light to subjects that are important and often hotly contested.
The "Politics of Vaccines" issue came to life amidst the debate about the necessity of vaccines. The one pager scrolling site juxtaposes the complications of the DTAP and MMR vaccines to their corresponding diseases and provides an easy and quick way to compare the numbers. Graphs allow the user to see how heigh the percentage of individuals suffering from a vaccine complication is, while a color code visualizes the severity of each of the complications.
Tags: Branding, Identity, UI, Website, Infographic, icons, Site architecture, Parallax, Responsive Credits: Work done while at Elefint. Creative-, Art Direction & Design: Iro Mavrogeni